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The Basics

The counseling office publishes a complete listing of scholarships which can be picked up by the counseling office of you can access them on below. 

During the year, notification of scholarship competitions are received and students are made aware of the scholarships through the daily announcements and "Scholarship Updates" online. Applications for these scholarships are located in the scholarship file cabinet or in many cases you are directed to apply online.

Students are encouraged to involve parents in their scholarship search. Religious groups, fraternal organizations, and employers may be great sources of scholarships. Students should inquire into the availability of institutional scholarships at the schools they are considering. This is where the majority of scholarship money is found.

The internet also presents a wealth of information concerning scholarships. A good place to start is Visit for a FREE internet scholarship search or register at for regular email notices of scholarship opportunities. 

A final piece of advice

-Beware of scholarship scams - Do NOT pay for a scholarship search.

A number of privately operated scholarship search companies charge fees that range from $30 to well over $300. Most provide a list of sources of financial assistance for which you may apply. Many search companies offer to refund your fee if you do not receive any award. However, some services require you to provide a rejection letter from every source on the list to claim your refund. You should be aware that many scholarship sources do not routinely send rejection letters. According to the Federal Trade Commission, warning signs that a scholarship service may be a scam include the following statements:

"This scholarship is guaranteed or your money back."
Wrong. No one can guarantee to get you a grant or scholarship.

"You can't get this information anywhere else."
Unlikely. Many free lists of scholarships are available. Check with your counselor for FREE information about current scholarships before you pay someone for the same or similar information.

"May I have your credit card or bank account number to hold this scholarship?"
No way. It may be a setup for an unauthorized withdrawal from your account. Don't give out you or your parents' credit card or bank account number on the phone without first getting all the information in writing.

"We'll do all the work."
Don't be fooled. There's no way around it. You must apply for the scholarships or grants yourself.

"The scholarship will cost you some money."
That doesn't make sense. Free money shouldn't cost a thing. Don't pay anyone who claims to have access to a scholarship for you.

"You've been selected by a ‘national foundation' to receive a scholarship or You're a finalist in a contest" (that you didn't enter).
Be careful. Before you send money to apply for a scholarship, check it out. Make sure the foundation or program is legitimate. Most sources of financial aid have application deadlines and eligibility criteria; they do not, generally, operate like a sweepstakes. Some places imitate federal foundations, agencies, and corporations. They might even have official sounding names, using such words as "National" and "Federal" or claim to have a Washington, D.C. location in order to project an aura of legitimacy.
Source: U.S. Department of Education

Federal Student Aid (FAFSA

Federal Student Aid - information on preparing for college and financial options for post-secondary education. 

 Below are some websites that may be helpful in beginning your scholarship and financial aid search: 

 *Please check the counseling office for some new scholarships that are not listed online*

Scholarship funds are available and awarded to several participants in the program. Last year, $1,800 was
given out among multiple participants in the North Dakota program! Beyond the monetary rewards, participants
often gain life-long friendships.

The ND Career Builders- Scholarship & Loan Repayment program is a tool for business to recruit and retain talent in high-need and emerging occupations in the state.  This unique partnership provides $1 of state funds for each $1 of private-sector matching funds, up to a total of $17,000 per recipient!  The high-need and emerging occupations list is reviewed annually to determine qualifying positions.  Individuals can receive a scholarship on the front end, loan repayment on the back-end, or both, for their commitment to the state to fill one of the high-need occupations.  Learn more by reviewing the information below, or contact the NDUS at 701-328-2906 or with questions.

Big Future - Welcome to the College Board's Scholarship Search!  Find scholarships, other financial aid and internships from more than 2,200 programs, totaling nearly $6 billion.  This site provides student reviews of 3,000 colleges, displays your admission chances on a scattergram view, and allows a search for $11 billion in merit scholarships.

NCAA Scholarships- NCAA  Divisions I and II schools provide more than $2.9 billion in athletics scholarships annually to more than 150,000 student-athletes. Division III schools do not offer athletics scholarships. Only about two-percent of high school athletes are awarded athletics scholarships to compete in college. Of the student-athletes participating in sports with professional leagues, very few become professional athletes. A college education is the most rewarding benefit of the student-athlete experience.

North Dakota Indian Scholarships -  Students can earn up to $2,000 in scholarship funding per year. Recipients must maintain GPAs of 2.0 or higher.  Applicants must be North Dakota residents and enrolled members of federally recognized Indian tribe. They must be accepted for admission by a North Dakota institution of higher learning or state vocational education program and be enrolled as full-time students. Scholarships are based on unmet need as well as merit. Students with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 - 3.499 must show unmet need to qualify. Students with a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or higher can qualify based on merit. Students may not receive more than the equivalent of full funding for six academic years.

American Indian College Fund Additional Scholarship Database – College information and multiple scholarship opportunities.  Varying deadlines. Applications open January.

Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund  The Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund (APIASF) offers scholarship opportunities for Asian American and Pacific Islander students with financial need to increase their access to higher education and resources that cultivate their academic, personal, and professional success.


 Scholarships that were received by the LHS Student Services staff. Many of these are local (community, region, state), but not all.  Scholarships are listed in the order they are received (those received most recently are listed on top): 

*Please check the counseling office for some new scholarships that are not listed online*+

This spreadsheet is also a great place to look for Scholarships! You MUST be logged into your BPS account for access! 

NDCF Scholarships-   Many different options for scholarships. Each has its own set of specific eligibility requirements, preferences, and priorities. In some cases, additional information, such as an essay, is required. Please read each scholarship description carefully before submitting your application. 

Evan Grove Scholarship- the Missouri River Clay Target League (Mr Ctl) Is Honored to Announce the Development of a New Scholarship in Memory of Letter-winning Trap Shooter and Beloved Teammate, Evan Lee Grove.  the Evan Grove Scholarship Program Has Been Created by the Grove Family to Commemorate Evan’s Love of the Outdoors, Hunting, Shooting Sports and His Teammates, but Most Importantly, to Honor His Memory and to Continue to Light the Community He Thrived in with the Glow of His Abiding Spirit. Evan Passed Away on Oct. 21, 2020, from a Sudden and Tragic Accident at the Age of 14 While in His Freshman Year at Legacy High School.  

Dollars for Scholars-  This website has all sorts of great scholarship opportunities!

NDACo- The NDACo scholarship program was created in 1998 to assist county families afford college. Children and grandchildren of county officials and employees who are entering or already engaged in undergraduate studies or pursuing technical post-secondary education are eligible to apply. This includes step-family members. The scholarship fund is supported by county donors from across the state and corporate sponsors like Nationwide Retirement Solutions. Thanks to their generosity, annual awards have grown from $500 to $2,000, totaling more than $100,000 in scholarships! 

ExtremeTerrain Student Scholarship- 2 x $2500 scholarships for students pursuing a degree in Environmental Studies, Environmental Research, Land Use, Earth and Atmosphere Studies, Sustainable Land Management, Parks and Recreation, or Sustainable Agriculture Systems. One scholarship will be awarded for the fall semester and another for the spring semester each year. 

AmericanMuscle Student Scholarship- 2 x $2500 scholarships for students pursuing an automotive-themed major(mechanical engineering, robotics etc.) One scholarship will be awarded every spring semester, followed by one additional scholarship to be awarded for the fall semester each year. 

AmericanTrucks Student Scholarship- 2 x $2500 scholarships to students(including high school seniors) pursuing a career in the traditional building trades such as HVAC, carpentry, electrical, or related fields of study. One scholarship will be awarded every spring semester, followed by one additional scholarship to be awarded for the fall semester each year. 

BPS Scholarships- Be sure to check this website out throughout the year. There are a wide variety of scholarships for all sorts of different students! 

Abbott & Fenner Scholarship- To apply for this scholarship you will need to write an essay on the topic below. The essay should be between 500 and 1000 words. Your submissions must be sent to us by email at: scholarships at Topic: Describe your educational career and life goals. Explain your plan for achieving these goals. Include your degree/major, why you selected it, and how this degree/major will help you achieve your goals.

ND Crop Improvement & Seed Association Scholarship There will be three $1000 scholarships available to incoming freshmen and three $1000 scholarships available to undergraduates (excluding freshmen). Eligibility requirements are that the applicant shall be a resident of the state of North Dakota and attend a North Dakota School, the applicant and/or guardian shall be a member of their respective county Crop (Ag) Improvement Association., and the applicant shall be a full-time student (12 credits or more). 

North Dakota Jaycee Scholarship Submissions- Each year, the U.S. Junior Chamber International (JCI) Senate Foundation grants $1,000 scholarships to graduating high school seniors who plan to continue their education at accredited post-secondary colleges, universities or vocational schools. The number of grants awarded annually is at the discretion of the Foundation and must be used for educational expenses in the first year of full-time study. Do not submit the application to any address on the web page except those under the State Scholarship listing section (packages submitted to the wrong address will not be forwarded). Additional information is included in the Application instructions. 

ND Farmers Union Scholarships – multiple scholarship opportunities with varying deadlines. 

Kiwanis Educational Foundation – multiple scholarships with varying deadlines.   

Davis Scholarship This scholarship is available to all high school juniors & seniors, as well as all students currently registered in any post-secondary institution. 

ND Colleges

Many Colleges offer Scholarship opportunities, if you do not see the College of your choice listed below, please check their website for more information!

UND Scholarship Website - Multiple scholarship opportunities with varying deadlines.  These include but are not limited to: academic merit, nursing, athletic, cultural diversity, and disability scholarships. 

NDSU First-Year Scholarships – Multiple scholarship opportunities with varying deadlines.  Scholarships may also rely on FAFSA information for need-based awards. Be sure to submit all applications early to allow for optimal consideration. 

University of Mary - The University of Mary offers a number of scholarship programs to help students with the cost of tuition. In fact, ninety-nine percent of University of Mary students receive scholarships or some form of financial aid.  Explore scholarship opportunities offered by the University of Mary, as well as outside scholarship resources.

Bismarck State College - BSC offers several scholarships for which you can apply annually. The scholarships are funded by the BSC Foundation through contributions from alumni, faculty and staff, friends, parents, campus organizations, and corporations. Scholarships totaling more than $400,000 are typically awarded. There are multiple scholarship opportunities with varying deadlines.

Minot State University - Minot State University offers a variety of undergraduate scholarships funded from gifts to the University. Scholarships are based on academic achievements, financial need and other criteria defined by the donors. There are multiple scholarship opportunities with varying deadlines.

Jamestown State University - The University of Jamestown offers additional awards ranging from major-related scholarships to fine-arts participant scholarships, alumni referral and legacy status awards, as well as athletic scholarships. There are multiple scholarship opportunities with varying deadlines.

Dickinson State University - Multiple scholarship opportunities with varying deadlines.  These include but are not limited to: athletic, academic merit, and fine and performing arts scholarships. 

Valley City State University – A wide variety of scholarships and waivers are offered based on academic merit, athletics, diversity, and more. 

NDSCS-  Variety of school specific scholarship information and financial aid basics.





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