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The ACT test will be on March 2, 2021.  Makeup ACT will be March 23rd, 2021. The test is from 8:10am-12:30pm.  Test starts at exactly 8:10am so students should be here by 7:30am or 7:45am in order to find assigned room and be checked in and in seat by 8:10am.  If late, the student is not allowed into the room.

What to Bring?
Bring: #2 pencils
ACT approved calculator – list found online at

DO NOT wear a smart watch

If you bring a phone it will have to be shut off during the test.  Not silenced, powered down.  And the room proctor will collect it/have a table for them to set it on.

Please see student services with any additional questions.

ACT Scholarship Giveaway
Dream Big! Win Big! The ACT will be giving away a $15,000 scholarship + $5,000 technology package to 14 lucky students this school year. Eligible sophomores, juniors and seniors who register for the ACT® test between 9.3.2019 and 6.26.2020 are automatically entered for a chance to win. It’s that easy!  


In your junior year of high school, you will have the opportunity to engage in new experiences that you haven't been able to up to this point in your high school career. These may include:

  • Attending College and Career Fairs
  • Job Shadowing/Career Forums/Internship opportunities
  • Multiple hands-on preparation opportunities for the ACT test
  • Scholarships and College discussions
  • College visits
  • Junior Prom



Juniors have the largest amount of Standardized Testing in comparison to freshmen, sophomores, or seniors: 


  • Optional test for juniors who wish to qualify for the National Merit Scholarship program. Administered in the fall.


  • Optional college entrance exam test


  • Optional test for juniors interested in a career in the military. Administered in the fall and/or spring.

North Dakota State Assessment (NDSA) 

  • Science testing taken in the fall

ACT with Writing

  • Preferred college entrance exam for the Midwest United States
  • Taken at LHS in the spring at no cost to student 

Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC)  

  • Math, Reading, and Language Usage testing in the spring

