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Empower Every Learner to Thrive!


All students will attend 40 minutes of Guidance each week. It is very beneficial as students will go over many things. 

Each student will:
• Participate in an orientation to Legacy High School, including LHS expectations.
• Learn and apply time management and study skills in order to effectively navigate high school to achieve maximum academic and personal growth.
• Learn about graduation and North Dakota scholarship requirements.
• Understand how to read a high school transcript, calculate GPA, and common high school academic terms.
• Complete an interest assessment. Identify career clusters for further exploration.
• Review or complete a 4 year high school plan.
• Review anti-bullying and harassment policies and appropriate steps to take in these situations.
• Develop an awareness and recognition of warning signs to help prevent self-harm and suicide.
• Identify self-help and adult resources within the building and the community.