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Empower Every Learner to Thrive!

English Learner


    Michele Svihovec Picture

    BPS EL Program Director Michele Svihovec

    Centennial Elementary School
    2800 Ithica Drive
    Bismarck, ND  58503


    BPS EL Resource Teacher

    EL Resource Teacher Bryce Streed

    Bismarck High School 



    Lisa Symens

    EL Resource Teacher Lisa Symens

    Horizon Middle School
    Liberty Elementary School



    Rocky Metzger

    EL Resource Teacher Rocky Metzger

    Wachter Middle School 
    Myhre Elementary School 



    Jacqueline Matta

    EL Resource Teacher Jacqueline Matta

    Moses/Solheim Elementary School



    Jennifer Bina

    EL Welcome Center Teacher Jennifer Bina

    Grades K-1



Wendy Sanderson, EL Program Coordinator
  EL Program Coordinator Wendy Sanderson

Centennial/Miller/Highland Acres/Roosevelt Elementary School



Renee Feist

EL Resource Teacher Renee Feist

Century High School



Landen Schmeichel

EL Resource Teacher Landen Schmeichel

Legacy High School

Pioneer/Sunrise Elementary School                                               


Wanda Horner

EL Resource Teacher Wanda Horner

Simle Middle School 
Murphy/Lincoln Elementary School



Tara Heth

EL Resource Teacher Tara Heth

Grimsrud/Northridge/Will-Moore Elementary School


Rebecca Andvik

EL Welcome Center Teacher Rebecca Andvik

Grades 2-5


ELL (English Learning Language)

An ELL program is used in the Bismarck Public School district because the language minority population is very divers and represents many different languages. ELL programs can accommodate students from different language backgrounds in the same class, and teachers do not need to be proficient in the home language(s) of their students. BPS uses an integrated ELL program that provides language-assistant services in the mainstream classroom as much as possible. Specialized staff work closely with classroom teachers to provide services. Classroom teachers modify materials, and use peer tutors along with instructional aides to provide services. Specialized ELL methodology and materials are incorporated into classroom activities as much as possible. 

Research has shown that an inclusionary, least restricted environment is a sound educational practice for all special learners. LEP students can learn English from peers and feel more successful if they arc pan of the whole group. 


ELL Class Period -Middle & High School 
This is generally used in middle and high school settings. Students receive ELL instruction during a regular class period. They may be grouped for instruction according to their level of English proficiency. Grades 9-12 receive I credit per semester class.