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- Absences must be excused by a parent/guardian on the day of the absence. Please call 323-4862 to do so.

- A student who is absent more than 6 hours in a 3-week semester will be withdrawn. 
- Hours excused for medical reasons will count toward the 6-hour absence limit.
- Students are required to be in attendance on the final test day of EACH SEMESTER and cannot use any of the 6-hour absence limit on those days. An absence on either of the semester exam days will result in withdrawal and a failing grade for that semester.
- Excessive tardiness (more than 5), unexcused absences, detentions (more than 1), or any suspension may result in dismissal from summer school. Minutes that a student is tardy will accumulate towards the 6 hour absence policy.
- If a student withdraws from a class after the 2nd day, the grade will be recorded as a W (withdrawal, no grade, no credit). If the student withdraws after the 8th day the grade will be recorded as a WF (withdrawal fail, no credit, counted as an “F” and will be included in the student’s GPA). The W or WF will also be applied if a student misses more than the six-hour absence maximum.