FAQ - AP and Dual Credit
FAQ - AP and Dual Credit
What’s the difference between the AP and Dual Credit?
Dual Credit is a course that is taken at the high school, with a high school teacher. The student must enroll at the college (BSC) as well as the high school. Students are receiving dual credit and also are dual enrolled. The class counts as credit at the high school level as well as the college. The student’s grade will be the same on both transcripts. It is important to know: the student is considered a college student when they are taking dual credit.
Advanced Placement is a course that is also taken at the high school, however, the student is not enrolled in college. AP courses are college-level and students should expect college-level rigor/expectations. A student receives college-level credit only if they pass the AP exam at the conclusion of the class.
How do you enroll in Dual Credit through BSC?
See the LHS Dual Credit sign-up info
How do you register for the AP Exam?
See the Legacy High School website
What are the benefits of each one?
The benefit of the dual credit option is that a student will receive college credit and the same grade that they receive in their high school class. The student will receive credit from BSC. These credits will transfer to any institution that accepts credits from BSC.
The benefit of the AP test is that the credit received will be more widely accepted across the country. However, the student MUST pass the AP exam with a score of a 3+ to receive college credit (important to check with the college/university you plan to attend).
How do I know what schools take which credit?
Any college that takes credits from Bismarck State College (BSC) will accept the dual credit option. The student will receive credit directly from BSC upon successful completion of the dual credit class through BSC.
If you receive credit through AP/College Board, you must check with the University/College the student is considering to see if they will accept AP credits.
Which one does the school recommend?
This is dependent entirely on the student and their plans after high school. If you have questions that are not answered in this document or in the links provided, please contact your school counselor.
Can I take an AP class as Dual Credit and receive both dual credit and AP credits?
Yes. The student would receive credit from BSC as well as through College Board/AP, if the student receives a passing score on the AP exam and successfully completes the dual credit course. However, the college or university that you attend will not allow students to apply these college credits twice.
If taking AP you must have a College Board account.
This should be completed with your AP teacher in class during the first few weeks of school or semester.
If taking Dual Credit you must apply to BSC, see link in #2 for further instructions.
If taking Dual Credit you must claim your NDUS account
After applying and being accepted
If taking Dual Credit, you must register/enroll for the class through Campus Connection (NDUS Portal).
Dual Credit/AP Info posted on LHS website
It is important that students and their parent(s)/guardian(s) understand the potential impact/consequences of the AP/Dual Credit course(s) both now and in the future.
Dual Credit Information:
Please know that if you are taking an AP/Dual Credit course and you're taking it for Dual Credit, you need to know that the grade you receive in that course will impact both your high school AND college transcript. *Your transcripts are permanent! It will be your responsibility to know whether or not the college credits will transfer to the college or university you are planning to attend. Students receiving Dual Credit will earn college credits from BSC, and BSC credits transfer within the North Dakota University System (NDUS) (the NDUS does not include ND private or tribal colleges/universities). Please be aware that when you take a dual credit course at Legacy, you are considered a student at both Legacy and BSC. You can visit THIS website for more information regarding Dual Credit. -
AP Exam Information:
If you are taking the AP course to take the AP Exam, know that you need to earn a score of a 3+ to earn college credit (see the College Board website and Legacy website for more info). *It will be your responsibility to know whether or not the college credits will transfer to the college or university you are planning to attend. AP credits typically transfer well but it’s important to double check.